Steering Group Meeting, 16th May 2011, 8.00pm at The Maynard Pub
Present: Steering Gp: Rebecca, Andy, Gillian (chair), Tilly (minutes)
Visitors: Amanda, Brad, Kristen, Pamela, Jacki, Fred, Kate
and Anna O’Brian from Transition Network
Minutes from last meeting (14-03-11) agreed. Bike Power Workshop (Gillian)
This is going ahead:Saturday 11th June 10.00-5.00pm at Green Lens Studio, 4a Atterbury Rd, N4 1SF
cost: £40.00. To book a place call 07931840771
There may be funding for one of our group to go, contact Gillian.
Agenda Items
1) Meadow Orchard Project- MOP (Kate Allerdyce)
Kate reminded us of all the different activities now happening at the Meadow Orchard. The regular day for anyone who wants to go along to volunteer is Saturdays, 11.00am onward.
Saturday 9th July is MOP Open Day with talks, workshops, activites
Tuesday 19th July is the MOP AGM, details to follow
2) CSA Community Supported Agriculture Project- Church Farm (Gillian)
Current collection point for the Farm veg boxes is 6.00-7.00pm at Haberdashery cafe,Middle Lane.
Gillian is arranging for another collection option, which will be starting soon at Hornsey Vale Community centre (HVCC). The plan is to have an outside area at the front of the Centre, where the boxes can be stored securely for later collection. Further details from Gillian.
Camping sessions are also offered at the Farm- details form Rebecca.
3) Green on the Screen (Fred, Rebecca, Tilly)
The last screening on 4th May was another success,with over 40 people attending.
Gillian suggested we should do a write up after each film and post it on the TCE website.
GOTS Planning meeting: Weds 25th May evening; further details from Rebecca/Tilly/Fred.
4) Hornsey Vale Community Centre HVCC (Tilly, Gillian)
Transition Garden:The new Spring Newsletter for HVCC is out now and features a picture of our Transition Kitchen garden at the Centre. We plan to start on stage two of our garden, ie building a first raised bed over the summer and autumn.
HVCC May Gala 2.00-5.00pm 30th May: Last year we helped run the cafe at this event. For the last two years we have had a Transition Crouch End stand at the gala- and also volunteered help with the event. We need to decide if we can have a stand this year, if there are enough of us able to participate. Contact Gillian if you can be involved.
September Reuse/ Recycle/ Tabletop Sale event Date to be confirmed.We will run this event jointly with HVCC. From a Transition perspective we can plan on how to use the day to raise awareness about reusing, recycling materials etc. Tilly hopes to approach Hornsey Girls School to see if they would like to take part.
Contact Tilly if you would like to help.
Apple Day 15th October This will be our third Apple day- our biggest public event. Agreed that the sooner we start planning for this day, the better we can make it.
5) Haringey 40/20 Event (Kate Allerdyce)
Initiated by Friends of the Earth, Haringey Council will hold an event on
Saturday 11th June, Sixth Form Centre, White Hart Lane
Many agencies are involved and the Council welcome input from all groups.
6) North London NLETS (Andy)
Andy gave a quick introduction to NLETS the local trading scheme, which covers Highbury, Islington, Enfield and Barnet. This scheme has been running for 10 years and promotes the Transition principle of keeping value within the local economy. The trading unit is called a Pledge. Pledges are used instead of money and can be used to buy goods and services. There are now a wide range of services on offer, including woodwork,opticians, gardening, solicitors and complementary therapies.
Trading days take place 4 times per year.
Details from Andy
7) Transition Crouch End Communications Update (Gillian)
Our website is currently directed at the TCE Blogspot, administered and updated by Gillian, who also puts information on our Facebook page and Twitter (@transitionce) .
We are working with Ed Crompton who is helping us develop the website.
Gillian mentioned the transition gmail as another way we communicate with each other, details from Gillian.
Gillian also thought it would be a good idea if we had a TCE monthly newsletter.
However, it was aknowledged that maintaining the Blogspot, Facebook and Twitter is already an essential but demanding, time consuming job for Gillian. Jacki kindly agreed to get involved and offer help with this area. 8) Crouch Hill Development (Amanda)
Amanda mentioned her residents group are being consulted about the proposed development due to take place at Crouch Hill, in the area where it intersects with the Parkland Walk. Ashmount school will move to this location. Community and foodgrowing projects are also being discussed for this site, so it may be appropriate for TCE to get involved.
Further details from Amanda.
9) Foodcycle (Rebecca)
Rebecca is doing some work with Foodcycle. They run a cafe every Friday lunchtime, 12.00-2.30pm at the Mind Centre at Ferme park rd, near junction with Lancaster Rd, Parkland Walk bridge.
Next Steering Group Meeting: 8.00pm, Monday 13th June, Maynard Pub, Park Rd, N8.